More About Me

Bachelor's Degree - Industrial Safety Engineering

Graduated from Shahid Beheshti University
GPA: 19.4

Post Graduate Diploma - Mathematics & Physics

Graduated from National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (SAMPAD)
GPA: 19.38

Books & Movies

Come on! who can not enjoy a good movie or a good book?!
There's something magical about getting lost in a good story, whether it's on the page or on the screen.


I have specific playlists for different moods; it's like having a personal therapist in my headphones.
Music has the power to lift my spirits, even on the toughest days.


Literally I am a sports-addict; I train every day and enjoy endurance sports.
Try it and you will see that training will drastically changes your life!


I have been a nature lover since childhood and enjoy challenging ascends where I can reach further from my limits.

Helping Others

I would like to help others in every field that I have experience and also learn from them as well; sharing is helping.

ISTJ-A - Logistician

This means I am a man of my word who put honesty and loyalty first, prefer to be alone and commited to my craft.

Never Finished

Imporvement and Learning are never finished to me; no matter what, I always try to improve myself physically and mentally.
even when I reach my goals then I will look for more bold and challenging ones.

My Programming Skills and Fields

Python & JavaScript

These are the core programming languages I use. I am also experienced in OOP.


I 've worked with both SQL and no-SQL databases like postgresql and mongodb.


I love back-end and Django makes back-end programming more enjoyable. even for my own website I have used Django for back-end.


In front-end Development I have worked with Vue-JS framework and designed pages and components with this framework and its relevant tools like Vuex, VueRouter and ...


Everybody knows that life is so much better when you use Git and GitHub.


Since I am a knowledge enthusiast, I was curious what is happening in the networks and how internet works; so I got a Network+ Certificate.

My Values

I want to share my experiences in these fields

Financial Literacy

How should we manage our income & expenses? Is investment a trap or a launch platform? what is an asset?

Imporvement & Motivation

How to reach your better self? How to motivate yourself with internal values? Who should you compete with?

Planning & Time Management

How to get more from the same amount of time? How should we plan for reaching our goals? bring your dead time back into life.