The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson

Embark on a transformative journey as we unravel the insights within Mark Manson's "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck." This groundbreaking book challenges conventional wisdom and invites readers to reevaluate their approach to life. Join me in exploring the essence of this compelling read through ten powerful phrases that encapsulate the book's key messages.

1. Wanting positive experience is a negative experience; accepting negative experience is a positive experience.

2. Pain and loss are inevitable and should be let go of trying to resist them; because these are the feelings that let you build courage and improve yourself.

3. Our struggles determine our successes. Our problems birth our happiness, along with slightly better, slightly upgraded problems.

4. People who become great at something become great because they understand that they’re not already great – they are mediocre, they are average – and that they could be so much better."

5. We are always responsible for our experiences.

6. Life is not fair, but at the end it’s the choice each person makes throughout his/her life that determines the likelihood of his/her winning. Furthermore, there is always some possibility of losing but that doesn’t mean you should not try.

7. Certainty is the enemy of growth. The openness to being wrong must exist for any real change or growth to take place.

8. I say don’t find yourself. I say never know who you are. Because that’s what keeps you striving and discovering. And it forces you to remain humble in your judgments and accepting of the difference in others.

9. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

10. Always think about your death and your legacy; cause the most important thing is that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Mark Manson's "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" transcends the boundaries of traditional self-help literature. Through these ten encapsulating phrases, we've navigated the profound wisdom within its pages, challenging our perspectives and inspiring a newfound approach to life. As we delve deeper into Manson's insights, let these principles guide us on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and continuous growth.

Amir Hosein Malek Pour

I am a web-developer who believes that we either get better or worse and there is no middle ground here; so if you are not getting better then you are getting worse. I will always try to help others because even if I create a tiny bit of positive change, I helped somebody to get better which leads to a better world. ✌🏽


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